#javaScript #googleChromeExtension #googleChrome
- Take to consideration
Chrome extension can be a product itself or a part of your web service
an extension can be developed for use within your company or be a product published on Chrome Web Store
an extension can either just modify an interface of some webpage or also have a logic running on the background
Chrome extension works only on desktop browsers, not on mobile phone
a Chrome extension can work either with any or just a specific website
user settings can be stored either in the settings of the user's browser or on your web service
chrome settings have particular limits
when integrating a Chrome extension with sensitive or restricted Google service, it can require an additional security check
Chrome extension can be converted to other browsers like Firefox, Safari etc.
The budget to develop a Chrome extension with SW Root starts from 1400 USD and it can take just a week to develop and get your extension ready
Publishing of Chrome extension to can take a while to get the extension verified
The extension can require an update when the website which it's developed for, is updated
If your idea is to integrate with some Google service, i.e. Google Calendar, in some cases Workspace Add-ons match better
2. Check the examples
SW Root public case studies
3. Think through the idea
What says your market research?
What's the logic of the planned browser extension?
If it's a commercial one, what are the finance model and planned payment providers?
Drafts of user interface